The Bruno Oger Bastide: a gastronomic and cultural vocation
From Villa Archange to Bistrot des Anges, the Bastide of two-starred chef Bruno Oger is an invitation to experience art in its many forms. Thus the restaurant’s gastronomic creations are echoed by those created in "Hélène's workshop”. Paintings signed by the chef's wife, Hélène Oger, that decorate the Bastide’s various spaces, transforming the venue into a lively and inspiring gallery.

Hélène Oger: a multi-faceted approach
Self-taught and constantly learning, discovering and improving, Hélène Oger has travelled extensively with her husband. And indeed, it was while on a trip to Asia that she found the inspiration for her work with Indian ink. In her studio, located in the heart of the Bastide, she experiments, invents and explores subjects that are close to her heart. She also uses acrylics and collage; a combined technique that wonderfully serves the diversity of her creations.

Between journeys and portraits
Hélène Oger's works recount fragments of life, momentary glimpses that reflect a destiny awash with intense emotions. Each of her portraits is an encounter. And indeed this is how her evocatively titled "Moon" series came into being - "Sun Moon", "Courage Moon", “Simple Pleasures Moon", "Childhood Moon", “Misty Moon", "Far Away Moon", "Dream Moon” - all of which celebrate Women (with a capital W) through the different moments and stages of their existence.